SAFETY WARNING: Riding a motorcycle is a dangerous activity. No helmet can protect a wearer against all possible impacts. When riding, always wear a helmet, eye protection, protective clothing, gloves and boots. There is no assurance that serious injury or death can be avoided even if you wear a helmet. Take all precautions to avoid every risk when riding a motorcycle. This helmet is not meant for use as a f ire retardant product and does not contain any f ire retardant materials. Please ensure that your ICON® products f it properly. Improperly f itting products can impair your ability to control your motorcycle. A I R F R A M E P R O The modern r iding posi t ion - higher rear sets , lower c l ip-ons - has dramat i cal ly al tered how a r ider interacts wi th the modern hyperspor t motorcyc le. Compressed into an ever more compact shape, the r ider ’s head posi t ioning requi res increased angle to maintain v isibi l i ty and stabi l i ty. Wi th this in mind, ICON designed the AIRFRAME PRO™ . D O M A I N Af ter a decade- long absence, the Domain returns to the ICON Helmet l ineup wi th a dec idedly neo- ret ro twist . The futur ist i c styl ing combines ICON' s core design ethos of avant -garde styl ing wi th premium qual i ty const ruct ion, purpose-bui l t for the st reet r ider. The Domain features a hand-craf ted FRP shel l for max imum integr i ty wi th minimal weight . In addi t ion, a prominent dorsal r idge, large brow-mounted intake vents , and channeled EPS prov ide increased vent i lat ion. This increased vent i lat ion great ly enhances r ider comfor t when pai red wi th the removable Hydradry™ l iner. Final ly, we ' ve enabled the digi tal aspect of the Domain wi th the opt ional HelmLink Bluetooth communi cat ion system. This system, powered by the latest SENA communi cat ion technology, integrates seamlessly into the shel l al lowing constant contact wi th the outs ide wor ld. A I R F L I T E A neo-retro glimpse into one possible future, the AIRFLITE ™ is the vessel of your dreams. The visually-defining shield makes a statement on the streets while the helmet ’s versatility and customizable ability speak to the development and design. Remove the shield, replace it with the AIRFLITE ™ visor, and the helmet goes from street to dir t in a matter of moments. Combine that with a recessed twin-channel cooling system, Hydradry ™ comfor t liner, inner DROPSHIELD, sculpted neck-roll, and internal speaker pockets, and you get the ultimate street-style helmet . A I R F O R M For almost two decades , ICON Motospor ts has come to def ine moto-st reet style. Proven design, comfor table f i t , and superb qual i ty for the max imum value, the AIRFORM ™ helmet is an excel lent ent ry point into the ICON fami ly. Inc ludes wor ld- renowned Hydradry ™ comfor t l iner, vent i lat ion, and an inner DROPSHIELD for those r ides that star t before sunr ise and end wel l af ter the sunset . Highly customi zable for those who l ike to dial i t in.