61 2023 PARTS CANADA SNOW UPDATE RACECRAFT/ACCURI SNOW REPLACEMENT LENSES • Essentials for Racecraft/Accuri Snow goggles • All-purpose clear lens provides maximum amount of light-allowance for all conditions • Clear and smoke dual lenses prevent fog buildup in all weather conditions and are ideal for the toughest conditions • Neutral-tint smoke lens reduces glare while providing accurate colour perception in medium-to-bright light conditions • Mirrored lenses offer the maximum reduction of glare in bright-light conditions for improved performance DESCRIPTION PART NO. PLUS INJECTED REPLACEMENT LENS (D) Dual vented clear lens 2602-0948 Dual vented smoke lens 2602-0949 (E) Dual vented persimmon lens 2602-0950 Dual vented blue lens 2602-0951 (F) Dual vented yellow lens 2602-0952 DESCRIPTION PART NO. PLUS INJECTED REPLACEMENT LENS (CONT) Dual vented rose lens 2602-0953 (G) Dual vented mirror blue 2602-0954 (H) Dual vented mirror red 2602-0955 Dual vented mirror silver 2602-0956 Dual vented mirror gold 2602-0957 DESCRIPTION PART NO. PLUS INJECTED REPLACEMENT LENS (CONT) (I) Dual vented mirror green 2602-0958 REPLACEMENT NOSE GUARDS (J) Snow 2602-0939 RACECRAFT 2/ACCURI 2/STRATA 2 REPLACEMENT PARTS • Available in a wide variety of styles • Sold each D E F G H I J A COLOUR PART NO. (A) Dual vented smoke lens 2602-0505 (B) Dual vented clear lens 2602-0506 (C) Dual vented silver lens 2602-0512 Clear lens 2602-0480 Smoke lens 2602-0483 Mirror silver lens 2602-0487 Mirror red lens 2602-0490 Mirror gold lens 2602-0491 B C