2023 Parts Canada Street Catalogue

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 PARTSCANADA.COM 2023 | STREET FUEL/AIR SYSTEMS 1002 DISCLAIMER: SEE PAGE 6 FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING CERTAIN WARRANTY AND EMISSION CONTROL REGULATION COMPLIANCE AND NOISE REGULATION INFORMATION. FITS MODEL PART # HONDA CB250 Nighthawk 91-08 1003-1289 CMX250 96-12 1003-1290 CBR600F2 91-94 1003-1320 VT600C Shadow 88-98 1003-1292 VT600C Shadow 99-03 1003-1293 VT600C Shadow 04-05 1003-12941 VT600C Shadow 06-07 1003-1295 VT600CD 93-98 1003-1292 VT600CD 99-03 1003-1293 VT600CD 04-05 1003-12941 VT600CD 06-07 1003-1295 VT600CD2 99-00 1003-1293 CB750 Nighthawk 91-03 1003-1296 VF750C 94-03 1003-1297 VF750C2 97-00 1003-1297 VF750CD 95 1003-1297 VT750C 99-00 1003-1298 VT750C 04-07 1003-12991 VT750C 08-09 1003-1300 VT750C2 07-09 1003-1300 VT750CA 04-07 1003-12991 VT750CA 08-09 1003-1300 VT750CD 99-01 1003-1298 VT750DC 01 1003-1298 VT750DCA 02-07 1003-1302 VTR1000F 98-05 1003-1304 ST1100 92-96 1003-1323 ST1100 97-02 1003-1305 ST1100A 92-96 1003-1323 ST1100A 97-02 1003-1305 VT1100C 89-90 1003-1306 VT1100C 92-94 1003-1306 VT1100C 95-96 1003-1308 VT1100C 98-03 1003-1310 VT1100C2 95-96 1003-1308 VT1100C2 00-05 1003-1314 VT1100C3 01-02 1003-1314 VTX1300 03-07 1003-1316 VTX1300 08-09 1003-1317 FITS MODEL PART # HONDA (CONT) VTX1300R 05-07 1003-1316 VTX1300R 08-09 1003-1317 GL1500A 92-00 1003-1325 GL1500C 97-00 1003-1318 GL1500CD 01-03 1003-1318 GL1500CT 98-00 1003-1318 GL1500I 92-96 1003-1325 GL1500SE 92-00 1003-1327 KAWASAKI BN125 01-09 1003-1355 EX250 Ninja 88-07 1003-1332 EX250 Ninja 08-12 1003-1356 EN450 454 LTD 85-90 1003-1366 EN500 Vulcan 90-96 1003-1349 EN500 Vulcan LTD 96-09 1003-1333 EX500 Ninja 87-09 1003-1334 ZX600C Ninja 600R 88-97 1003-1346 ZX600 (ZX-6R) 00-02 1003-1335 ZX600 (ZZR) 05-08 1003-1335 ZX600E (ZX-6) 93-02 1003-1357 VN750 Vulcan 87-06 1003-1365 ZR750 (ZR-7) 00 1003-1336 ZR750 (ZR-7S) 01-03 1003-1336 ZX750 (Ninja) ZX7R 96-03 1003-1358 VN800A Vulcan 95-05 1003-1337 VN800B Vulcan Classic 96-05 1003-1337 VN800C Vulcan Drifter 99-00 1003-1338 VN800E Vulcan Drifter 01-06 1003-1338 ZG1000 Concours 86-06 1003-1340 ZX1100D Ninja ZX11 93-97 1003-1362 ZG1200 Voyager 86-03 1003-1342 VN1500E Classic 98-04 1003-1344 VN1500G Nomad 99-01 1003-1345 SUZUKI GZ250 99-10 1003-1371 GS500F 04-09 1003-1374 GSF600S Bandit 00-03 1003-1376 GSX600F Katana 90-96 1003-1377 GSX600F Katana 98-06 1003-1378 FITS MODEL PART # SUZUKI (CONT) GSX-R600 98-00 1003-1385 LS650 Savage 86-95 1003-1398 LS650 Savage 96-19 1003-1386 SV650 99-02 1003-1387 GSX750F Katana 89-97 1003-1397 GSX750F Katana 98-06 1003-1395 VL800 Volusia 01-04 1003-1391 VS800GL Intruder 92-09 1003-1394 VZ800 Marauder 97-04 1003-1384 GSF1200 Bandit 97-00 1003-1381 GSF1200 Bandit 01-05 1003-1380 VS1400GL 90-94 1003-1379 VS1400GLP 95-04 1003-1379 VS1400GLP S83 05-09 1003-1379 VL1500 Intruder 98-04 1003-1403 YAMAHA XV250 95-21 1003-1405 XV535 Virago 90-93 1003-1426 FZR600 90-99 1003-1422 XJ600 Seca II 92-98 1003-1421 YZF600R 97-07 1003-1406 YZF-R6 99-02 1003-1420 XVS650 V-Star 98-05 1003-1407 XVS650 V-Star 06-16 1003-1409 XV750 Virago 88-97 1003-1408 FZ1 01-05 1003-1411 FZS 1000 S 01-05 1003-1411 YZF-R1 98-01 1003-1410 XV1100 Virago 88-99 1003-1412 XVS1100 V-Star 99-05 1003-1413 XVS1100 V-Star 06-09 1003-1414 FJ1200 89-93 1003-1423 VMX12 V-Max 93-05 1003-1418 XVZ13 Royal Star 96-99 1003-1416 XVZ13 Royal Star 00-13 1003-1417 XV1600 Road Star 99-03 1003-1424 XV1700 Road Star Silverado 04-07 1003-1425 1 Kit includes parts for one carburetor. CARBURETOR REPAIR KITS • Kits include all of the necessary components to repair a carburetor • Models with multiple carburetors include components to repair all carburetors • Kit includes all necessary O-rings, gaskets, jets, needle,mixture screw, float bowl screws, float valve needle and seat (needle jet and other pressed-in jets are not included in kit) • OEM jet sizes and slide needles are included in the kit • NBR rubber material is used on all O-rings and rubber gaskets; NBR has excellent resistance to the ethanol used in today’s fuels • Applications that use paper float bowl gaskets are upgraded to High Performance Interface Gasket material • Components included in the kits are based off of US models and discretion must be used when attempting to install the kit on a non-US model 1003-1316 1003-1414