2023 Parts Canada Street Catalogue

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 FUEL/AIR SYSTEMS PARTSCANADA.COM STREET | 2023 1019 DISCLAIMER: SEE PAGE 6 FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING CERTAIN WARRANTY AND EMISSION CONTROL REGULATION COMPLIANCE AND NOISE REGULATION INFORMATION. FITS MODEL PART # HONDA VTX1300C 03-09 0930-0054 VTX1300R 05-09 0930-0054 VTX1300S 03-07 0930-0054 VTX1800C 02-08 0930-0054 VTX1800F 05-08 0930-0054 VTX1800N 04-08 0930-0054 VTX1800R 02-08 0930-0054 VTX1800S 02-06 0930-0054 FITS MODEL PART # KAWASAKI VN1500D Vulcan Classic 98-08 0930-0055 VN1500J Vulcan Drifter 99-05 0930-0055 VN1500P Vulcan Mean Streak 02-06 0930-0055 VN1500G Vulcan Nomad 99-01 0930-0055 VN1600E Vulcan Classic 03-08 0930-0055 SUZUKI C50/T Boulevard 05-22 0930-0056 VS800GL Intruder 92-04 0930-0056 VL800 Intruder Volusia 01-04 0930-0056 FITS MODEL PART # SUZUKI (CONT) VZ800 Marauder 97-04 0930-0056 VS1400GLP Intruder 04 0930-0056 C90/T Boulevard 05-22 0930-0056 VL1500 Intruder LC 98-04 0930-0056 YAMAHA XVS1100A V-Star Classic/​Custom 99-09 0930-0053 XV1600A Road Star 99-03 0930-0053 XV1700 Road Star 04-14 0930-0067 XV1700 Road Star Warrior 02-09 0930-0067 AIR INJECTION SYSTEM REMOVAL KITS • Allows removal of unsightly lines and hoses • Cleans up the look of your engine • Reduces backfire • Does not require re-tuning of carburetors or fuel injection systems • Blends seamlessly with engine • Easily installed by most owners 0930-0067 0930-0053 0930-0056 0930-0054 0930-0055 COLOR PART # 5/16” Chrome 45060 Black 45090 Repl. bronze filter element DS-391708 ALLOY GAS FILTERS • Premium-quality, high-strength anodized alloy case with replaceable bronze filter elements • Compact size makes these filters practical for many applications 45090 45060 DS-391708 DESCRIPTION PART # 3/8” aluminum machined chrome fuel filter 0707-0006 5/16” aluminum machined chrome fuel filter DS-391662 5/16” aluminum machined satin-finish fuel filter DS-391663 Repl. 40 micron bronze filter element w/ O-ring DS-391666 IN-LINE FUEL FILTERS • High-flow custom fuel filter available in an aluminum machined satin or chrome finish • High-quality O-ring for a leak-proof seal • Cleanable, reusable 40 micron filter element • Works great with Pingel’s high-volume gas valves 0707-0006 DS-391663 DS-391666 DESCRIPTION FUEL LINE OVERALL LENGTH ELEMENT FILTRATION MICRONS GRAVITY FLOW RATE ML/M​ IN. PART # Large 8mm 5/16” 1 3/4” Stainless steel 100 800 0707-0064 Slim 90 6mm 1/4” 2 3/8” Plastic 40 560 0707-0065 Large volume 6mm 1/4” 2 3/8” Paper 70 470 0707-0066 Slim 6mm 1/4” 2” Bronze 40 400 0707-0067 FUEL FILTERS • Universal in-line fuel filters for 1/4” and 5/16” ID fuel lines • Designed for low pressure fuel filter lines • Compatible with standard, Race and E85 fuels • Sold to dealer as a display card of 20; sold to consumer as each 0707-0064 0707-0065 0707-0066 0707-0067