BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 HANDLEBARS & HAND CONTROLS PARTSCANADA.COM STREET | 2023 455 FITS MODEL CABLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION PART # HONDA VT600C/CD Shadow VLX/Deluxe 88-89 +6” Throttle (pull) MP62-0331 +6” Throttle (push) MP62-0332 +6” Clutch 0652-0025 VT600C/CD Shadow VLX/Deluxe 91-94 +6” Throttle (pull) MP62-0331 +6” Throttle (push) MP62-0332 +6” Clutch 0652-0025 VT600C/CD Shadow VLX/Deluxe 95-98 +6” Throttle (pull) MP62-0331 +6” Throttle (push) MP62-0332 Std Clutch 0652-0026 VT600C/CD Shadow VLX/Deluxe 99-07 +6” Throttle (pull) 0650-0086 +6” Throttle (push) 0650-0071 +6” Clutch 0652-0028 VF750C V45 Magna 94-03 Std Throttle (pull) MP62-0302 VF750C2 Magna Deluxe 97-00 Std Throttle (pull) MP62-0302 VF750CD Magna Deluxe 95-96 Std Throttle (pull) MP62-0302 VT750C Shadow 98-00 Std Throttle (pull) MP62-0331 Std Throttle (push) MP62-0332 Std Clutch 0652-0029 +6” Clutch 0652-0028 VT750C/CA Shadow Aero 04-08 +4” Clutch 0652-0028 VT750C/CA Shadow Aero 04-09 Std Throttle (pull) 0650-0617 VT750C2 Shadow Spirit 07-09 +3” Throttle (pull) 0650-0617 +5” Throttle (pull) 877674 +9” Throttle (pull) 0650-0089 +3” Throttle (push) 0650-0619 +6” Clutch 0652-0028 VT750C2B Shadow Phantom 10-19 +7.25” Clutch 0652-0028 VT750CD/CD2 Shadow/Deluxe 98-01 Std Throttle (pull) MP62-0331 Std Throttle (push) MP62-0332 Std Clutch 0652-0029 +6 Clutch 0652-0028 VT750CDA American Classic Edition 02-03 Std Throttle (pull) MP62-0331 Std Throttle (push) MP62-0332 Std Clutch 0652-0029 +6” Clutch 0652-0028 VT750DC/DCA/DCB Shadow Spirit 01-03 +7” Throttle (pull) 0650-0086 +5” Clutch 0652-0026 VT750DC/DCA/DCB Shadow Spirit 05-07 +7” Throttle (pull) 0650-0086 +5” Clutch 0652-0026 VT1100C Shadow Spirit 87-90 Std Speedo MP62-0299 VT1100C Shadow Spirit 97-07 Std Throttle (pull) MP62-0309 +6” Throttle (pull) 877646 Std Throttle (push) MP62-0310 +6” Throttle (push) 877647 Std Choke MP62-0349 +6” Choke 877650 Std Clutch MP62-0312 +6” Clutch 877648 Std Speedo MP62-0299 FITS MODEL CABLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION PART # HONDA (CONT) VT1100C2 Shadow 1100/Sabre 95-96 Std Throttle (pull) MP62-0309 +6” Throttle (pull) 877646 Std Throttle (push) MP62-0310 +6” Throttle (push) 877647 Std Choke MP62-0349 +6” Choke 877650 Std Speedo MP62-0363 VT1100C2 Shadow 1100/Sabre 97-99 Std Throttle (pull) MP62-0309 +6” Throttle (pull) 877646 Std Throttle (push) MP62-0310 +6” Throttle (push) 877647 Std Choke MP62-0349 +6” Choke 877650 Std Clutch MP62-0312 +6” Clutch 877648 Std Speedo MP62-0363 VT1100C2 Shadow 1100/Sabre 00-07 +3” Throttle (pull) MP62-0309 +9” Throttle (pull) 877646 +3” Throttle (push) MP62-0310 +9” Throttle (push) 877647 +4” Choke MP62-0349 +10” Choke 877650 +4” Clutch MP62-0312 +10” Clutch 877648 Std Speedo MP62-0363 VT1100C2 Shadow ACE 97-98 Std Throttle (pull) MP62-0309 +6” Throttle (pull) 877646 Std Throttle (push) MP62-0310 +6” Throttle (push) 877647 Std Choke MP62-0349 +6” Choke 877650 Std Clutch MP62-0312 +6” Clutch 877648 Std Speedo MP62-0363 VT1100C3 Shadow Aero 98-02 Std Choke MP62-0349 Std Clutch MP62-0312 +6” Clutch 877648 VT1100D2 Shadow ACE 99 Std Throttle (pull) MP62-0309 +6” Throttle (pull) 877646 Std Throttle (push) MP62-0310 +6” Throttle (push) 877647 Std Choke MP62-0349 +6” Choke 877650 Std Clutch MP62-0312 +6” Clutch 877648 VT1100T Shadow ACE Tourer 98-00 Std Throttle (pull) MP62-0309 +6” Throttle (pull) 877646 Std Throttle (push) MP62-0310 +6” Throttle (push) 877647 Std Choke MP62-0349 +6” Choke 877650 Std Clutch MP62-0312 +6” Clutch 877648 Std Speedo MP62-0363 ARMOR COAT BRAIDED STAINLESS STEEL CABLES FOR METRIC CRUISERS • Attractive stainless steel weave with performance and attitude • Clear Armor Coat protects chrome and painted surfaces • Premium chrome fittings NOTE: See Brakes section for extended-length hydraulic lines. MP62-0331 MP62-0349 ARMOR COAT BRAIDED STAINLESS STEEL CABLES continued on next page.