BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 SUSPENSION PARTSCANADA.COM STREET | 2023 FRONT FORK SPRINGS (CONT) FITS MODEL PART # KAWASAKI (CONT) ZX-11-D 93-01 PS-1144 ZG1200 Voyager 86 DS-222026 ZG1200 Voyager 87-03 DS-222025 Voyager 1200 86 DS-222026 Voyager 1300 83-88 DS-222025 VN1500 Vulcan Classic/FI 96-08 PS-1126 VN1500 Vulcan Drifter 99-05 PS-1145 VN1500 Vulcan Nomad 98-01 PS-11451 VN1500 Vulcan/SE/L 87-99 PS-1126 VN1600 Classic 03-08 PS-1144 VN1600 Vulcan Nomad 05-08 PS-1144 SUZUKI GSF400 Bandit 91-94 PS-1126 GS500E 89-02 PS-1128 RG500 Gamma 86-87 PS-1129 GS550E 83-86 PS-1128 GS550ES 83-86 PS-1128 GSX550ES 83-88 PS-1128 GSF600 Bandit 96-03 PS-1126 GSX600F Katana 88-96 PS-1126 GSX600F Katana 98-06 PS-1145 DL650 V-Strom 04-11 0405-0292 DR650S 90-95 PS1506 DR650SE 96-13 PS1510 DR650SL 90 PS1506 GS650GT Katana 81-86 PS-1145 GS650M 83 PS-1145 SV650/S 99-02 PS-1145 GS700E/ES 83-88 PS-1110 VS700 Intruder 85-87 PS-1128 GS750E/ES 83-85 PS-1110 GSX750SE 83-88 PS-1110 GSX750F Katana 89-97 PS-1126 FITS MODEL PART # SUZUKI (CONT) GSX750F Katana 98-06 PS-1145 GSXR750 85-87 PS-1126 GSXR750 88-90 PS-1144 GSXR750G, H 86-87 PS-1126 GT750 73-77 DS-222040 VS750 Intruder 88-91 PS-1129 VS800 Intruder/S50 92-09 PS-1129 VX800 90-93 PS-1129 DL1000 V-Strom 02-12 PS-1144 GS1100F Katana 88-93 PS-1126 GS1100GK 82-84 PS-1129 GSX1100F 88-93 PS-1126 GSXR1100 86-88 PS-1126 VL1500 Intruder/C90 98-09 PS-1126 TRIUMPH Bonneville 01-14 PS-1126 Bonneville SE 09-14 PS-1126 Rocket III Touring 08-14 PS-1144 T100 02-14 PS-1126 Bonneville America 02-14 PS-1145 Scrambler 900 06-14 PS-1126 Tiger 99-02 PS-1144 Thruxton 900 04-14 PS-1126 Speedmaster 04-14 PS-1145 YAMAHA FZR400 88-90 PS-1129 XVS400 96 PS-1126 RZ500 85 PS-1128 FJ600 84-85 PS-1128 FZ600 86-88 PS-1128 FZR600 89-98 PS-1129 SRX600 86 PS-1128 XJ600S Diversion/Seca II 92-98 PS-1129 FITS MODEL PART # YAMAHA (CONT) XT600 90-95 PS1506 XT600E 91-96 PS1506 YX600 Radian 86-90 PS-1128 XVS650 V-Star Classic/Silverado 98-10 PS-1126 FZ700 87-89 PS-1129 XJ700X Maxim 85-86 PS-1128 XV700L Virago 84-87 PS-1128 FZ750 85-89 PS-1129 FZR750 87-88 PS-1126 XV750U Virago 88-97 PS-1128 XS850S 80-81 PS-1110 XJ900 84-94 PS-1110 XJ900R Seca 83 PS-1110 XVS950 V-Star 09-15 PS-1126 FZR1000 87-88 PS-1126 FZR1000 89-90 PS-1144 XV1000L Virago 84-88 PS-1128 FJ1100 84-85 PS-1126 XJ1100 Maxim 82 PS-1110 XS1100 78-81 PS-1110 XS1100S 79-81 PS-1110 XV1100S Virago 86-99 PS-1128 XVS1100 V-Star/Cust/Cls/Silv 99-09 PS-1126 XVS1100 Road Star Silverado 06 PS-1126 FJ1200 86-96 PS-1126 VMX12N V-Max 85-92 PS-1129 VMX12E/C V-Max 93-07 PS-1144 XVS1300 V-Star 07-12 PS-1145 XVS1300 Stryker 11-12 PS-1126 Royal Star 96-12 PS-1144 Road Star 99-12 PS-1144 XV1900C Raider/S 08-15 0405-0293 1 Not for F.I. models. 903 FITS MODEL PART # KAWASAKI VN1600 Vulcan Classic 03-08 0416-0041 FITS MODEL PART # YAMAHA XVS650 V-Star Custom/Classic 98-17 0416-0041 XVS1100 V-Star Custom/Classic 99-09 0416-0041 FITS MODEL PART # YAMAHA (CONT) XVZ1300 Royal Star 96-01 0416-0041 XVZ1300 Royal Star Tour Deluxe 05-09 0416-0041 XV1600/1700 Road Star 99-15 0416-0041 FRONT LOWERING KITS • Lowers the front end of a motorcycle 11/2” and gives the bike a distinctive slammed look • Additional benefits for vertically-challenged riders • Combination of the lower seat height and center of gravity make the bike easier to control FITS MODEL PART # HONDA VF750C Magna/Deluxe 94-03 PS0-1550 750 Shadow Ace 98-03 PS0-1550 VT750DC Spirit 01-03, 05-07 PS0-1550 VT1100 Aero 98-02 PS0-1550 VT1100C Shadow 85-07 PS0-1550 VT1100 Shadow/Ace/Spirit/Sabre 87-07 PS0-1550 VTX1300C 04-09 PS0-1550 VTX1300R/S Retro 03-09 PS0-1550 VTX1300T 08-09 PS0-1550 FITS MODEL PART # INDIAN Scout 15-16 0416-0095 KAWASAKI VN400 Vulcan 95 PS0-1550 VN800 Vulcan 95-05 PS0-1550 VN800 Vulcan Classic 96-05 PS0-1550 VN800 Vulcan Drifter 06 PS0-1550 VN1500D Vulcan Classic/FI 96-08 PS0-1550 VN1500 Vulcan/SE/L 87-99 0416-0068 VN1700J Vulcan Vaquero 11-15 0416-00661 FITS MODEL PART # KAWASAKI (CONT) VN1700 Vulcan Voyager 09-15 0416-00661 TRIUMPH Bonneville 01-14 PS0-1550 Bonneville SE 09-14 PS0-1550 T100 02-14 PS0-1550 YAMAHA XVS400 96 0416-0068 XV650 V-Star 98-10 (all) 0416-0068 XV1100 V-Star 99-09 (all) 0416-0068 XVS1100 Road Star Silverado 06 0416-0068 1 Drop-in configuration. FORK LOWERING KITS FOR CRUISER BIKES • Give Cruiser bike front ends that custom lowered look by lowering the forks • Your choice of 1” or 2” lowering height is available at time of installation • To maintain properly balanced geometry, lowering the rear of the bike the same amount as the front is recommended (Progressive Suspension Series shocks available for lowering the rear); see page 886-887) • Installing a lowering kit will decrease initial ground clearance; motorcycle will be lower to the ground and care should be taken to avoid bottoming, especially over bumps or in turns • Use of Race Tech Gold Valve Emulators™ recommended with lowering kit PART #0416-0041 NOTE: Lowering your bike will reduce its cornering angles and the stability of the bike while on its side stand. PS0-1550