2024 Parts Canada Offroad Catalogue

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2024 SEATS & GRAPHICS PARTSCANADA .COM OFFROAD | 2024 319 # 4” BLACK 4” WHITE 6” BLACK 6” WHITE 7” BLACK 7” WHITE 0 4310-0244 4310-0254 4310-0264 4310-0274 4310-0284 4310-0294 1 4310-0245 4310-0255 4310-0265 4310-0275 4310-0285 4310-0295 2 4310-0246 4310-0256 4310-0266 4310-0276 4310-0286 4310-0296 3 4310-0247 4310-0257 4310-0267 4310-0277 4310-0287 4310-0297 4 4310-0248 4310-0258 4310-0268 4310-0278 4310-0288 4310-0298 5 4310-0249 4310-0259 4310-0269 4310-0279 4310-0289 4310-0299 6 4310-0250 4310-0260 4310-0270 4310-0280 4310-0290 4310-0300 7 4310-0251 4310-0261 4310-0271 4310-0281 4310-0291 4310-0301 8 4310-0252 4310-0262 4310-0272 4310-0282 4310-0292 4310-0302 9 4310-0253 4310-0263 4310-0273 4310-0283 4310-0293 4310-0303 FACTORY NUMBERS • The best fitting, highest-quality numbers made •Back-slit and cut from 12-mil high-gloss vinyl •Strong adhesive – won’t blow off from a pressure washer • AMA, FIM and NMA legal •Sold in packs of three PRO NUMBERS • The best-fitting, highest quality numbers made • Back-slit and cut from 12-mil, high-gloss vinyl •Strong adhesive will not blow off from use of a pressure washer • AMA, FIM and NMA legal • 8” Pro numbers fit two digits per number plate • 7” Pro numbers fit three digits per number plate •Mini Pro numbers fit three digits per number plate •Sold in 3-pk. MINI PRO NUMBERS # 4” BLACK 5” BLACK 5” WHITE 5” RED 0 FX04-2570 FX03-0270 FX03-0200 297317 1 FX04-2571 FX03-0271 FX03-0201 297318 2 FX04-2572 FX03-0272 FX03-0202 297319 3 FX04-2573 FX03-0273 FX03-0203 297320 4 FX04-2574 FX03-0274 FX03-0204 297321 5 FX04-2575 FX03-0275 FX03-0205 297322 6 FX04-2576 FX03-0276 FX03-0206 297323 7 FX04-2577 FX03-0277 FX03-0207 297324 8 FX04-2578 FX03-0278 FX03-0208 297325 9 FX04-2579 FX03-0279 FX03-0209 297326 PRO NUMBERS # 7” BLACK 7” WHITE 7” RED 8” BLACK 8” WHITE 8” RED 0 FX02-4340 FX02-4350 297307 FX02-4360 FX02-4370 297297 1 FX02-4341 FX02-4351 297308 FX02-4361 FX02-4371 297298 2 FX02-4342 FX02-4352 297309 FX02-4362 FX02-4372 297299 3 FX02-4343 FX02-4353 297310 FX02-4363 FX02-4373 297300 4 FX02-4344 FX02-4354 297311 FX02-4364 FX02-4374 297301 5 FX02-4345 FX02-4355 297312 FX02-4365 FX02-4375 297302 6 FX02-4346 FX02-4356 297313 FX02-4366 FX02-4376 297303 7 FX02-4347 FX02-4357 297314 FX02-4367 FX02-4377 297304 8 FX02-4348 FX02-4358 297315 FX02-4368 FX02-4378 297305 9 FX02-4349 FX02-4359 297316 FX02-4369 - 297306 # 6” BLACK 6” WHITE 8” BLACK 0 FX02-4450 FX02-4460 FX02-4470 1 FX02-4451 FX02-4461 FX02-4471 2 FX02-4452 FX02-4462 FX02-4472 3 FX02-4453 FX02-4463 FX02-4473 4 FX02-4454 FX02-4464 FX02-4474 # 6” BLACK 6” WHITE 8” BLACK 5 FX02-4455 FX02-4465 FX02-4475 6 FX02-4456 FX02-4466 FX02-4476 7 FX02-4457 FX02-4467 FX02-4477 8 FX02-4458 FX02-4468 FX02-4478 9 FX02-4459 FX02-4469 FX02-4479 STANDARD NUMBERS •Perfect basic numbers or for frequent number changes •Cut from 4-mil adhesive-backed vinyl •AMA and FIM legal • 8” and 6” numbers fit three digits per number plate •Sold in 3-pk.