INDEX PARTSCANADA.COM BICYCLE | 2025 197 SP Connect (CONT) Weather cover 130 Wireless power bank 137 Speed Demon Bike lights 119 Dusk to dawn lights 119 Flashlight holster 122 Flashlights 122 Headlamps 122 Keychain light, LED 122 Stainless steel polish 176 Star Tron Ultimate Xtreme Clean cleaner and degreaser spray 176 Steering stems 147 Stocking caps/beanies 94, 110 Stop & Go Automatic tire inflation kit 173 Pocket Tire Pluggers 173 Sunglasses 75-79 Suspension fluid 189 Sweatshirts 63, 82-83, 87, 89, 96-100 T T-shirts 84-86, 88, 90, 101-104 Tailgate covers 118 Textile cleaners 187 Thermal underlayers 31 Thor Beanies 94 Canopy 190 Casual jackets 82 Comp deflectors 20 Door mats 191 Elbow guards 23 Gloves, offroad 25-26 Hats 91-94 Hoodies 82-83 Hydration backpacks 111 Jackets 19-20, 82 Jerseys, offroad 21-23 Knee guards 23 Lanyards 190 Offroad gloves 24 Offroad jackets 20 Pit mats 191 Roost deflectors 20 Shirts, short-sleeve 84-86 Size guides 21 Slatwall displays/graphics 192 Thor (CONT) Sweatshirts/hoodies 82-83, 87, 89 T-shirts 84-85, 88, 90 Umbrella 190 Women’s gloves, offroad 25 Women’s jersey size guide 22 Women’s jerseys, offroad 22 Women’s pants size guide 22 Women’s short-sleeve T-shirts 88 Women’s sweatshirts/hoodies 87 Youth gloves, offroad 26 Youth jerseys, offroad 22-23 Youth sizing guides, offroad 23 Youth sweatshirts/hoodies 89 Youth T-shirts 90 Three-way Allen wrenches 180 Three-way Torx wrenches 180 Throttle grips 147 Tire levers 174, 180 Tire plug refills 174 Tire pumps 123, 141 Tire repair kits 173-174 Tire repair sprays 186 Tire sealant 173 Tire tubes 172 Tires 161-171 TIRES & TUBES 161-173 Tool wraps 116 TOOLS & LUBES 174-189 Torque ratchet kits 180 Torque wrenches 180 Torx wrenches 180 Trimax Bike racks 138 Cable locks 138-140 Chain locks 140 Disc/cable lock 140 Padlocks 140 U-locks 140 Tube wraps 116 Tubes, tire 168, 172 U U-locks 140 Umbrellas 190 Under-jersey deflectors 20 Underlayers 31 Underwear, thermal 31 USB chargers 134, 137 Utility picks 178 V Valve core tools 178 Vests, casual 95 Vests, protective 20, 43 Visor Rainoff water repellent 187 W Water bottle cages 127, 175 Water repellent spray 187 Waterproof grease 184, 186 Wheel cleaner 176, 186 Windbreakers 42 Women’s gloves 25, 36 Women’s hoodies/sweatshirts 87 Women’s jerseys 22, 32 Women’s short-sleeve T-shirts 88 Women’s shorts 32 Women’s sweatshirts/hoodies 87 Wrenches 180 Y Youth armored jackets 60 Youth elbow guards 61 Youth gloves 26, 36 Youth helmet accessories 10 Youth helmets 10 Youth hoodies/sweatshirts 89 Youth jerseys 22-23 Youth knee guards 61 Youth neck rolls 62 Youth short-sleeve T-shirts 90 Youth shorts 33 Youth sweatshirts/hoodies 89