2025 Parts Canada FatBook

WINDSHIELDS & FAIRINGS AUDIO, COMMUNICATION & MOUNTS SADDLEBAGS & LUGGAGE SEATS & SISSY BARS FUEL/AIR SYSTEMS EXHAUST TRANSMISSION & DRIVELINE ENGINE GASKETS & SEALS LIGHTING ELECTRICAL HANDLEBARS, CONTROLS & MIRRORS CABLES TANKS & OIL FILTERS BRAKES DASHES & GAUGES FENDERS & LICENSE PLATE FRAMES HARDWARE, COVERS & GENERAL FRAMES & SUSPENSION FOOTRESTS & FLOORBOARDS WHEELS & AXLES All part numbers in BLUE are new for 2025. SECTION 6 488 See OLDBOOK For Early Model Applications DISCLAIMER: *EMIS (EMISSIONS CATEGORIZATION CODE). SEE PAGES 5-7 FOR CATEGORY CODES, IMPORTANT EPA/CARB EMISSION DEFINITIONS AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE AND NOTICE REGARDING NOISE REGULATIONS. PRODUCTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES IF NOT CATEGORIZED AS “1” OR “4”. PART # DESCRIPTION EMIS* 1010-3175 For 17-24 M-Eight (except 23-24 FLHXSE/​FLTRXSE, 24 FLHX/​FLTRX/​FLTRXSTSE) 1 STEALTH AIR CLEANER KIT FOR M-EIGHT ENGINES •Stealth intake provides 38 percent increase in flow •High-strength synthetic polymer backplate is designed to reduce heat transfer to intake air •Cooler, denser air allows for more efficient cylinder fill and better performance •Easy installation SUPER STOCK™ STEALTH AIR CLEANER KITS WITH COVER PART # DESCRIPTION EMIS* FOR 17-24 M-EIGHT W/ STOCK EFI AND 64 MM THROTTLE BODY (EXCEPT 24 FLHX/​FLTRX, 23-24 FLHXSE/​FLTRXSE/​FLTRXSTSE) 1010-27671 Teardrop cover, chrome 3 1010-27681 Teardrop cover, gloss black 3 1010-27661 Teardrop cover, carbon fiber 3 1010-27591 Tri-Spoke cover, gloss black 3 1010-27601 Torker cover, gloss black 3 1010-27611 Air 1 cover, gloss black 3 FOR 08-16 FLHT/​FLHX/​FLTR, H-D FL TRIKE, 16-17 SOFTAIL, 11-12 FLSTSE, 13-15 FXSBSE AND 14-15 FLSTNSE 1010-25031 Teardrop, chrome 3 1010-25041 Teardrop, gloss black 3 1010-2502 Teardrop, carbon fiber 3 PART # DESCRIPTION EMIS* FOR 01-17 TWIN CAM W/ DELPHI EFI (EXCEPT 08-17 DRESSER, H-D FL TRIKE, 16-17 SOFTAIL, 11-12 FLSTSE, 13-15 FXSBSE AND 14-15 FLSTNSE 1010-2509 Teardrop, chrome 3 1010-2510 Teardrop, gloss black 3 1010-2501 Teardrop, carbon fiber 3 1010-32142 Tribute, chrome 3 FOR 07-22 XL W/ STOCK EFI (EXCEPT RH SPORTSTER) 1010-27691 Teardrop cover, chrome 3 1010-27701 Teardrop cover, gloss black 3 1 Exempt per CARB Executive Order (E.O.) #D-355-30 for models listed. 2 Exempt per CARB Executive Order (E.O.) #D-355-27 for all fuel-injected models listed. REPLACEMENT COMPONENTS PART # DESCRIPTION EMIS* 1014-0267 Air cleaner cover adapter kit for 17-23 FLHT/​FLHR/​ FLHX/​FLTRX/​FLTRU/FL Trike models N/A 1011-2765 Repl. Stealth filter N/A 1011-2766 Opt. Stealth hi-flo filter kit (1” taller) N/A 1011-3119 Pre-filter/​rain sock for Standard Stealth air filter N/A PART # DESCRIPTION EMIS* 1011-3120 Pre-filter/​rain sock for 1” tall Stealth air filter N/A 6001-0076 Backplate for 01-17 Big Twin w/ Delphi EFI and 99-06 Twin Cam Big Twin w/ stock CV carb (except 08-17 Dresser/H-D Trike, 16-17 Softails, 11-12 FLSTSE, 13-15 FXSBSE and 14-15 FLSTNSE) N/A 1014-0225 Backplate adapter for 14-16 Rushmore models N/A SUPER STOCK™ STEALTH AIR CLEANER KITS WITHOUT COVER PART # DESCRIPTION EMIS* FOR M-EIGHT, TWIN CAM, EVOLUTION XL AND XG STREET 1010-27571 For 17-24 M-Eight w/ stock EFI and 64 mm throttle body (except 24 FLHX/​FLTRX, 23-24 FLHXSE/​FLTRXSE/​FLTRXSTSE) 1 1010-1509 For 08-16 FLHT/​FLHX/​FLTR, H-D FL Trike, 16-17 Softail, 11-12 FLSTSE, 13-15 FXSBSE and 14-15 FLSTNSE 3 1010-1508 For 01-17 Twin Cam w/ Delphi EFI (except 08-17 Dresser/H-D FL Trike, 16-17 Softail, 11-12 FLSTSE, 13-15 FXSBSE and 14-15 FLSTNSE) 3 1010-1078 For 99-06 Twin Cam Big Twin w/ E/G series carb 3 1010-1313 For 86-90 XL w/ E/G series carb 3 PART # DESCRIPTION EMIS* FOR M-EIGHT, TWIN CAM, EVOLUTION XL AND XG STREET (CONT) 1010-27531 For 07-22 XL (except RH Sportster) 1 1010-1510 For 91-17 XL w/ stock CV carb and Delphi EFI 3 1010-28042 For 14-20 XG500/​750 Street w/ stock EFI 3 FOR S&S ENGINES 1010-2041 For 07-16 T124LC Touring w/ S&S 66 mm Throttle Hog 3 1010-2042 For 07-16 T111 Touring w/ S&S 58 mm Throttle Hog 3 1 Exempt per CARB Executive Order (E.O.) #D-335-30 for models listed. 2 Exempt per CARB Executive Order (E.O.) #D-335-31 for models listed. SUPER STOCK™ STEALTH AIR CLEANER KITS •For stock and S&S fuel system applications •Kits include backing plate, filter and hardware •Built-in stinger cone directs air smoothly into the bore of the carburetor or EFI throttle body and reduces turbulence and increases flow •Optional high-flow (1” taller) filter and pre-filter/​rain sock also available •Available with or without air cleaner covers (for kits without covers, see note) •Made in the U.S.A. NOTE: For kits without covers, use PART #1014-0225 or 1014-0267 to install stock covers on 14-20 Touring. Twin Cam applications accept the OEM football-style air cleaner cover. All kits will accept any of the Stealth air cleaner covers (sold separately). NOTE: Stealth air cleaner kits for 01-20 EFI applications come with a special sticker and instructions for applying it to an inconspicuous location on the frame. •Washable filter element •Comes in new Lava Chrome finish which is a smoky chrome with all the reflective qualities of traditional chromium 1010-1078 1010-1313 1010-2042 1010-2757 1011-3119 1014-0225 1014-0267