2025 Parts Canada FatBook

WINDSHIELDS & FAIRINGS AUDIO, COMMUNICATION & MOUNTS SADDLEBAGS & LUGGAGE SEATS & SISSY BARS FUEL/AIR SYSTEMS EXHAUST TRANSMISSION & DRIVELINE ENGINE GASKETS & SEALS LIGHTING ELECTRICAL HANDLEBARS, CONTROLS & MIRRORS CABLES TANKS & OIL FILTERS BRAKES DASHES & GAUGES FENDERS & LICENSE PLATE FRAMES HARDWARE, COVERS & GENERAL FRAMES & SUSPENSION FOOTRESTS & FLOORBOARDS WHEELS & AXLES SECTION 6 All part numbers in BLUE are new for 2025. 489 See OLDBOOK For Early Model Applications DISCLAIMER: *EMIS (EMISSIONS CATEGORIZATION CODE). SEE PAGES 5-7 FOR CATEGORY CODES, IMPORTANT EPA/CARB EMISSION DEFINITIONS AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE AND NOTICE REGARDING NOISE REGULATIONS. PRODUCTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES IF NOT CATEGORIZED AS “1” OR “4”. PART # DESCRIPTION 1014-0116 Air Stream, chrome 1014-0118 Bobber dish, chrome 1014-0120 Bobber dome, chrome 1014-0370 Teardrop, lava chrome 1014-0290 Teardrop, chrome 1014-0296 Tribute, chrome 1014-0291 Teardrop, gloss black PART # DESCRIPTION 1014-0293 Slasher teardrop, gloss black 1014-0269 Air Stream, gloss black 1014-0297 Tribute, gloss black 1014-0121 Bobber dome, black wrinkle powedercoat 1014-0172 Torker 1014-0173 Air 1 1014-0245 124” Displacement STEALTH AIR CLEANER COVERS •Fit the S&S Stealth air cleaner kits •Bobber style air cleaner covers are machined from billet aluminum, fit over the end of the air filter and leave the filter element exposed •Air Stream-style is die-cast and features screened vents for more air without sucking in rain/​road hazards •Tribute style mimics the classic S&S Two Throat air cleaner kits •Made in the U.S.A. 1014-0116 1014-0120 1014-0290 1014-0293 1014-0296 1014-0121 1014-0269 1014-0297 1014-0172 1014-0173 1014-0245