2025 Parts Canada Offroad

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2025 PARTSCANADA.COM 2025 | OFFROAD HANDLEBARS & HAND CONTROLS 154 HEATED THUMB KIT •Replacement for 5-level heated grips (PART #0631-0170) X-CLAWS HEATED CLIP-ON GRIP KITS •Heated grips on demand with no permanent commitment •Intended to fit various handlebar sizes •Easy install and removal in seconds •Compact to stow nearby when not in use •Simple power through your machine’s USB port (5V) END CAP FOR HEATED GRIPS •Designed to fit on all KOSO heated grips •Sold each DESCRIPTION PART # Heated thumb kit 2040-2627 DESCRIPTION PART # Grip kit for 5V USB power source; single heating level 0631-0265 DESCRIPTION PART # Grip kit for 12V power source; five heating level 2040-2633 DESCRIPTION PART # End cap for heated grips 2040-2628 •Single heating level requires 10W minimum •Rubber material is resistant to outdoor conditions and high temperatures •Thin and flexible silicone wires make them easy to install •Works with grip diameter between 1 7/32” and 1 11/32” (31 to 35 mm) 0631-0265 MX-1 SNOW/​DIRT BIKE HEATED GRIPS •Clamp-on grips; no adhesive •External temperature controller •For use with twist throttle; includes interchangeable throttle cams •Requires 35W and draws 2.5A per pair; low voltage shut off •Fits 7/8” handlebars with twist throttle; left ID 7/8”, right ID 1” •Sold in pairs DESCRIPTION PART # MX-1 heated grips 0631-0184