2025 Parts Canada Offroad

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2025 EXHAUST PARTSCANADA .COM OFFROAD | 2025 EXHAUST 39 DISCLAIMER: *EMIS (EMISSIONS CATEGORIZATION CODE). SEE PAGES 4-6 FOR CATEGORY CODES, IMPORTANT EPA/CARB EMISSION DEFINITIONS AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE AND NOTICE REGARDING NOISE REGULATIONS. PRODUCTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES IF NOT CATEGORIZED AS “1” OR “4”. FITS MODEL PART # EMIS* HONDA CRF250R 16-17 1820-16871 3 CRF250R/RX 18-21 1820-19821, 2 3 CRF250R/RX 22-25 1820-2011 3 CRF450R/RX 21-24 1820-19912 3 KAWASAKI KX250F 17-20, KX250/X 21-24 1820-1737 3 KX450F 19-20, KX450/X 21-23 1820-1884 3 KX450/X 24-25 1820-2052 3 SUZUKI RM-Z250 19-25 1820-1905 3 RM-Z450 18-25 1820-18172 3 FITS MODEL PART # EMIS* YAMAHA WR250F 19-23 1820-19922 3 WR250F 24-25 1820-2041 3 YZ250F 19-23,YZ250FX 19-23 1820-19922 3 YZ250F 24-25,YZ250FX 24-25 1820-2041 3 WR450F 21-23 1820-1913 3 WR450F 24-25 1820-2035 3 YZ450F 20-22 1820-1913 3 YZ450F 23-25 1820-2035 3 1 Dual mufflers. 2 With spark arrestor. EVOLUTION LINE COMPLETE EXHAUST SYSTEMS •The flagship of the Akrapovic exhaust system range and simply the finest exhaust system available •Used and tested by our top factory teams in motorcycle racing •Each model is unique and dedicated to maximizing the engine’s performance, while reducing overall weight for optimized overall handling of the motorcycle •Made entirely of titanium •Perforated inner sleeve and inlet cap are all made of titanium •Flared or conical link pipe is made of titanium and welded to the muffler •Link pipe; header tube joint is milled on a state-of-the-art CNC machine and secured by high-quality, silicon-shielded tempered springs •Conical shaped header tube is made of titanium •Features a more durable welded bracket and titanium end cap •Exhaust systems meet FIM noise limits NOTE: For closed course competition use only. Not intended for street use. 1820-1817 1820-1992 1820-2052 1820-1982