2025 Parts Canada Offroad

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2025 EXHAUST PARTSCANADA .COM OFFROAD | 2025 EXHAUST 47 DISCLAIMER: *EMIS (EMISSIONS CATEGORIZATION CODE). SEE PAGES 4-6 FOR CATEGORY CODES, IMPORTANT EPA/CARB EMISSION DEFINITIONS AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE AND NOTICE REGARDING NOISE REGULATIONS. PRODUCTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES IF NOT CATEGORIZED AS “1” OR “4”. FITS MODEL PART # GASGAS EC/EX/MC 250F/​350F/​450F 21-23 1861-1608 HUSQVARNA FC/FX 250/​350 /​450 21-22 1861-1608 FE 501/FE 501s 21-23 1861-1608 KTM 250/​350/​450 EXC-F/SX-F/XC-F/​XCF-W 21-22 1861-1608 500 EXC-F/XC-W 21-23 1861-1608 MUFFLER BAG/​HEAT SHIELD •Protect your adventure bike’s saddlebags from damaging exhaust heat •Mount the carbon fiber heat shield/​guard on your new adventure dirt bike for some much-needed lightweight protection •This carbon fiber guard is sleek and stylish protection for your expensive muffler and luggage bags DESCRIPTION PART # 250 g bag M702 500 g bag 1860-0060 DESCRIPTION PART # 750 g bag 1860-0575 COMPETITION MUFFLER PACKING • The same low-weight, high-quality packing material used in our repack cartridges • Lighter, quieter, and longer lasting than fiberglass mat packing •Resists breakdown up to 593 °C (1100 °F) •250 g bag works for most 2-stroke applications •500 g bag repacks most 4-stroke mufflers • Available in 250, 500 and 750 g bulk packs •Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION PART # 15” 1860-0573 DESCRIPTION PART # 19” 1860-0574 MUFFLER PACKING PILLOWS •The latest in muffler packing technology •Available with Competition Muffler Packing • Universal, easy-to-install design • Pillow can be trimmed to length to fit off-road muffler up to 20” long •Lasts 3-5 times longer than traditional packing and extends service to 30 to 40 engine hours •Competition Pillows resist breakdown up to 593 °C (1100 °F) •Comes with cap stuffer to fill packable end-caps •Adhesive closure flap used to eliminate the need to wrap the packing with tape or wire • Available in 15” and 19” •Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION PART # Stainless repack kit 1860-0037 UNIVERSAL STAINLESS REPACK KIT •Louder exhaust does not mean more horsepower •Blown-out packing causes exhaust turbulence and increased back pressure, which reduces horsepower • Repack your silencer with this pro-quality, three-layer packing system and restore the power you’ve blown out •Also great for getting in compliance with new sound laws •Kit contains 1/4” thick 60” x 20” glass mat, 7” x 20” stainless wool, 8” x 20” stainless mesh, twelve 3/16” rivets, and full instructions •Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION PART # RS-12 premium muffler repack kit 1860-2504 RS-12 PREMIUM MUFFLER REPACK KIT •Allows freer airflow from your motor to restore power and improve exhaust sound • Includes packing material, rivets, rivet band, decals for muffler sleeve and end-cap and repacking instructions M702