2025 Parts Canada Offroad

6 IMPORTANT INFORMATION: SALES OF RACE ONLY PARTS The federal Environmental Protection Agency’s policies related to tampering and defeat devices are publicly available at the following sites: https://​www.epa.gov/​sites/​production/​files/​2020-12/​documents/ ​epatamperingpolicy-enforcementpolicyonvehicleandenginetampering.pdf https://​www.epa.gov/​sites/​production/​files/​2020-12/​documents/​ tamperinganddefeatdevices-enfalert.pdf https://​www.epa.gov/​sites/​production/​files/​2021-01/​ documents/​caatitleiivehicleenginepenaltypolicy011821.pdf The EPA has taken civil and criminal enforcement action against companies and individuals for violations of the Clean Air Act’s tampering and defeat device prohibitions. By ordering “Race Only” parts from LeMans Corporation, d/b/a Parts Unlimited® and Drag Specialties® (“LeMans”), you as the selling retailer expressly acknowledges and assumes all the responsibility for ensuring and documenting information to verify that the sale or installation of every “Race Only” part is for competition racing vehicle use only. Examples of such documentation include: • Require that the buyer of the part(s) sign an acknowledgement that the part is for “Race Use Only.” The acknowledgement would contain enough information (i.e., invoice number, purchase date, purchaser name, part number, etc.) to be able to track the part to its ultimate installation. • Evidence that the vehicle is not registered in any State for highway use. • The detailed owner or operator information and vehicle VIN are recorded. • The vehicle is being used in only closed course competition events like King of the Baggers®, BRL Bagger Racing League®, SUPPER HOOLIGAN®, AMA FLAT TRACK®, or one of the hundreds of similar competition racing use only events throughout the US (road race, flat track, drag racing and land speed). If you have questions regarding the information that you should collect as evidence that the part purchased from LeMans and sold or installed by you/your company will be used only on a “Race Only” vehicle as intended, please refer to your legal counsel or racing trade association. This notice is a material condition of LeMans’ willingness to sell the product to you. By accepting the terms: 1. You are solely responsible to verify and document that use of “Race Only” parts will be limited to competition racing use consistent with the terms of this notice on each individual sales transaction; 2. You will provide LeMans with copies of the documentation that shows evidence of the use of “Race Only” parts purchased from LeMans upon request; and 3. You consent to the disclosure of your identity to any governmental entity responsible for regulating emissions and/or enforcing emissions laws, if requested. NOISE REGULATIONS A number of jurisdictions/states have exhaust noise laws. Exhaust products advertised might not be legal for sale or use on highway vehicles in such jurisdictions/states. Check applicable laws and regulations.