2025 Parts Canada Tire and Service

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2025 PARTSCANADA.COM 2025 | TIRE & SERVICE TUBES & ACCESSORIES TUBES & ACCESSORIES 254 INNER TUBE FAILURE COULD RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. ALLOW ONLY TRAINED PERSONNEL TO INSTALL INNER TUBES. WARNING RIM SIZE FITS TIRE SIZE STEM TYPE PART # 18” 100/​100-18, 110/​100-18, 120/90-18, 130/80-18 TR-4 0350-0023 19” 100/90-19, 110/90-19, 120/80-19, 130/70-19 TR-4 0350-0024 21” 80/​100-21, 90/90-21 TR-4 0350-0025 ULTRA HEAVY-DUTY INNER TUBES •Reinforced tube for off-road applications •Features a 4 mm wall thickness •Provides enhanced protection against punctures and pinch flats • For Valve Stem Types see page 253 RIM SIZE FITS TIRE SIZE(S) STEM TYPE PART # STANDARD INNER TUBES 10” 2.50-10, 2.75-10 TR-4 0350-0019 12” 2.50-12, 80/​100-12 TR-4 0350-0020 14” 60/​100-14 TR-4 0350-0021 15” 140/90-15, 150/90-15, 170/80-15, 180/70-15 TR-87C 0350-0176 16” MT90-16, 120/90-16, 130/90-16, 140/90-16, 150/80-16 PV-78 501880 16” MT90-16, MU90-16, MU85-16, 120/90-16, 130/90-16, 140/90-16, 150/80-16, 160/80-16 TR-4 16-E2 17” 120/90-17, 130/70-17, 130/80-17, 140/70-17 TR-4 17-CD 17” 130/90-17, 140/80-17, 150/70-17, 160/70-17 TR-4 508369 18” 3.25-18, 3.50-18, 90/90-18, 100/90-18, 110/80-18 TR-6 18-BF 18” 3.25-18, 3.50-18, 4.00-18, 4.10-18, 4.50-18, 100/90-18, 110/80-18, 110/90-18, 120/80-18, 120/90-18, 130/70-18, 130/80-18, 140/80-18 TR-4 508373 19” 110/90-19, 130/70-19 TR-4 501783 21” 80/90-21, 80/​100-21, 90/90-21, 90/​100-21, 2.50-21, 2.75-21, 3.00-21 TR-4 21AB STANDARD TUBE FOR SUPERMOTARD 17” 140/80-17 TR-4 0350-00181 SPECIAL TRIALS TUBES 18” 4.00-18 TR-4 501779 21” 2.75-21 TR-4 501788 HEAVY-DUTY TUBES FOR MX/​ENDURO 14” 90/​100-14 TR-4 14CHM 16” 90/​100-16 TR-4 16CHM 17” 70/​100-17 TR-4 17CHM INNER TUBES •Michelin Airstop tubes are used by those who want the very best •Features an overlap splice which is stronger than the butt splice used in most others •Splice is always placed opposite the valve, which helps to provide a more balanced tube • For Valve Stem Types, see page 253 RIM SIZE FITS TIRE SIZE(S) STEM TYPE PART # HEAVY-DUTY TUBES FOR MX/​ENDURO (CONT) 18” 100/​100-18, 110/​100-18, 120/90-18, 130/80-18, 140/80-18 TR-4 501165 19” 70/​100-19 TR-4 19CHM 19” 100/90-19, 120/80-19 TR-4 501167 21” 2.75-21 TR-4 21CH 1 A heavier tube reinforced to withstand the added stress from sliding the rear in corners. FITS TIRE SIZE(S) STEM TYPE PART # STANDARD 2.75/3.00-10 TR-87 0350-0462 3.00/3.50-10 TR-87 0350-0463 5.00/5.10-16 TR-4 0350-04641 5.00/5.10-16 TR-4 0350-0465 2.50/2.75-17 TR-4 0350-0466 2.75/3.00-17 TR-4 0350-0467 FITS TIRE SIZE(S) STEM TYPE PART # STANDARD (CONT) 4.50/5.10-17 TR-4 0350-0468 5.00/5.10-17 TR-4 0350-0469 2.75/3.00-18 TR-4 0350-0470 3.25/3.50-18 TR-4 0350-0471 2.75/3.00-19 TR-4 0350-0474 FITS TIRE SIZE(S) STEM TYPE PART # HEAVY-DUTY 3.50/4.00-18 TR-4 0350-0472 4.00/4.50-18 TR-4 0350-0473 4.00/4.50-19 TR-4 0350-0476 2.75-21 TR-4 0350-0478 1 Side metal valve. INNER TUBES •Essential for those using conventional spoked rims on modern bikes, or riding with traditional rims on classic machinery •Made from the finest butyl and natural rubbers to meet the highest standards • For Valve Stem Types see page 253