2025 Parts Canada Tire and Service

INDEX PARTSCANADA.COM TIRE & SERVICE | 2025 INDEX 559 JIMS (CONT) Clutch hub puller 419 Clutch spring compression/​ compressor tools 418 Compensator bolt Torx socket 410 Crankcase bearing remover/​installer 408 Crankshaft guide tool 407 Cruise drive main case seal installer 419 Cruise drive vise stand 420 Cylinder hold down nuts 409 Cylinder torque plates 408 Dipstick removal tool 429 Engine rotators 411 Engine stands 406 Exhaust gasket seal installer tool 414 Exhaust stud drill plate 414 Flywheel runout inspection gauge 407 Fork cap installer 424 Fork leg holding tool 363 Fork nut sockets 425 Fork seal/​dust seal driver 425 Fork stem nut wrench 423 Hand axle locker tool 424 Ignition switch fork lock tool 428 Ignition switch housing alignment tools 428 Inner primary bearing/ ​seal installation/​removal tools 418 M-8 shifter shaft bushing remover and Installer 417 Main bearing remover/​installer 410 Main case seal installer 419 Main drive gear and bearing installer/​remover kit 420 Main drive gear bearing/ ​seal installation tool 420 Main drive gear remover tool 419 Main drive gear tools 420 Mainshaft bearing race tool for Big Twin 420 Motor sprocket shaft seal install tool 411 Multimeter probe kit 352 Neck bearing tool 423 Pinion gear nut socket wrench 411 Pinion gear puller 411 Primary cover inspection plug tool 418 Primary drive locking tool 418 Primary locking bar 418 JIMS (CONT) Pulley locker 418 Rear axle nut torque adapter 424 Remote fuel supply for fuel-injected motorcycles 416 Rod alignment tools 414 Saddlebag latch/ ​hinge rivet tool 424 Shifter shaft bushing tool 421 Shifter shaft removal tool 421 Shifter shaft sleeve tools 421 Spark tester 348 Sprocket shaft bearing race tool 410 Sprocket shaft bearing/​race/ ​seal installation tool 410 Steering head bearing race tools/​installers 423 Tappet block/​oil pump to cam plate alignment tool 409 Tappet oil screen plug tool 409 Timken case bearing tool 408 Transmission case shifter seal installer 421 Transmission door puller 421 Transmission sprocket locknut wrenches 418 Vacuum lifter pump up tool 409 Valve spring compressor 415 Valve spring compressor tool 415 Wheel bearing race tool 426 Wheel bearing remover/ ​installer tools 426 Wheel bearing tool support plate 426 JIS cross-head hex-drive bits 387, 390 Jug handles 400 Jump starters 343, 346-347 Jumper cables 347 K K&L Valve stems 260 Wheel weights 263 K&N Air filter care kits 490 Air filter cleaner 490 Air filter oil 490 Air filter sealing grease 490 Kenda ATV inner tubes 258 Bearclaw XL 214 Kenda (CONT) Havok 216 Inner tubes 256 K257D Klassic 176 K270 Dual Sport 180 K284 Front Max 216 K290 Scorpion 216 K299 Bearclaw 215 K3201 Mastodon HT 214 K3204R Klever X/T 213 K329 94 K413 94 K530 Pathfinder 216 K538 Executioner 214 K587 Bearclaw HTR 215 K592 Bearclaw Evo 215 K657 Challenger 93 K6702 Cataclysm 92, 127 K671 Cruiser 93, 127 K673 Kruz 92, 127 K760 Trackmaster II 97, 179 K761 Dual Sport 95, 97, 178 K77 front/​K778 rear Knarly enduro tires 177 K772 Parker DT 177 K774 Ibex Endurocross 179 K775 Washougal II 176 K777F/​K779 gauntlet 179 K782 Sand Mad Sticky 180 K784 Big Block 96, 178 K785 Millville II 175 K787 Equilibrium 175 KD1 Kwick 95 KM1 91 Kongur 213 Kozmik 95 KR20 Kanine 91 Rim strips 259 Tires, ATV/​UTV 213-216 Tires, dual sport 95-97, 176, 178-180 Tires, offroad 97, 175-180 Tires, scooter 94-96 Tires, street 91-97, 127, 176, 178, 180 Tires, V-Twin 127 Tuff-tubes 256 Kibblewhite Valve guide ball hones 312 Valve guide reamer 415 Valve guide seal installation tools 414 Kinedyne E Securement point kit 527